How to Conceive Twins - Increase Your Chances of Having Twins

How to Conceive Twins - 

Increase Your Chances of Having Twins 

How to Have Twins Naturally

Did you know that having twins is not genetic? People have always said that twins skip a generation and this is common talk. But, it's not true!

Whether you would think twins are the cutest thing or you would be exhausted taking care of two infants; knowing how to conceive twins will help you. You can either use these ideas to your advantage or use them to avoid twins. It is up to you!

Twins only occur naturally in 1 out of 89 pregnancies. Of course, if you really wanted twins, you could just do in vitro fertilization. However, there are actually some natural things that can increase your chances of conceiving twins.

How are Twins Conceived?

Identical twins are much less common that fraternal twins. Identical twins are the ones that look exactly alike and are of the same gender. These twins develop when one egg and one sperm are joined and fertilized. This fertilized egg then splits into two and develops into two embryos and then babies. These babies end up with exactly the same genetic material. The incidence of identical twins is still considered a medical miracle.

Fraternal twins typically look only as similar as siblings would look if they were not twins. These are the twins that can be the same gender or different genders. This is because they are basically just two babies born on the same day. They form when two different eggs are fertilized by two different sperm. This is the more common occurrence of twins at a 2 out of 3 rate.

So, the trick to conceive twins is typically to produce and release more eggs at the same time. The tips below will help you to achieve this. If you plan to use these tips or have already successfully conceived twins, you may want to read "11 Things you Didn't Know About Twin Pregnancies."

400 Micrograms, Folic Acid

Nature Made Folic Acid 400mcg, 250 Tablets
Nature Made Folic Acid 400mcg, 250 Tablets
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Vitamins & Supplements to Increase Chances of Twins

Folic Acid is one of the many B Vitamins; specifically B9. Most mothers who are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, are told by their doctors to make sure they are getting enough Folic Acid. Getting enough of this vitamin can help prevent neural tube defects, like Spina Bifida.

Taking a Folic Acid supplement can double your chances of conceiving twins. The United States National Academy of Sciences has set a daily lower limit of 400 micrograms and an upper limit of 1000 micrograms for adult women.The upper limit is specified for intake of synthetic forms to avoid toxic effects from an excess amount. However, there have been no know negative effects of high intake of Folate from food sources. Folate is water- soluble and will be disposed of through urination if more than what can be used is supplied.

If your looking to conceive twins, take a 400-1000 micrograms supplement and increase your intake of Vitamin B9 rich foods.

Food sources of Folic Acid include:

Turnip Greens
Fortified Grains & Cereals
Egg Yolk
Sunflower Seeds
Honeydew Melon
Dairy Cow: Dairy products now a days have been produced by hormone injected cows. 
Dairy Cow: Dairy products now a days have been produced by hormone injected cows. | Source
Dairy Products

Everyone knows that almost all of the animal meats and products we buy at the supermarket are hormone induced super foods. Animals are being injected with synthetic growth hormone to create bigger, meatier, higher producing animals for bigger profits. One of the impacts of the growth hormone is a higher chance of conceiving twins if you eat or drink these kinds of products. So, if you are trying to conceive twins, skip the organic milk and go straight for the hormone enriched kind.

The most common evidence of this is in dairy products produced from cows injected with hormones. Women who ate hormone induced dairy products were found to have higher rates of an insulin like growth hormone (IGF) in their blood system. IGF has been shown to increase the rate of eggs released during ovulation. More eggs can equal more babies.

Birth Control = Twins?
Birth Control = Twins? | Source
Birth Control

When you first discontinue birth control pills or almost any form of hormonal birth control, your body sort of freaks out. It has to adjust to this new normal and most of the time doesn't function exactly the way it is supposed to. Because of all this hormonal craziness, conceiving just after you stop using birth control will help your chances of having twins. So, as soon as you stop using hormonal birth control, crank up the baby making machine!

Your chances of conceiving twins are even higher if you get pregnant while you're on birth control. Those who take birth control sporadically or often forget to take their pills are at higher odds of conceiving twins if they do get pregnant.

The Birth Control Side Effect You Don’t Know About—But Should

The older you are, the higher your risk is of conceiving a child with Down Syndrome.
The older you are, the higher your risk is of conceiving a child with Down Syndrome. | Source

The older you get, the higher your chances of conceiving twins. 17% of mothers over the age of 45 give birth to twins and 1 in 9 over the age of 50 do. Being over 50 gives you pretty good odds for conceiving twins. However, there are many more risks to the mother and baby when the mother is older than 35. If you are so desperate to have twins that you plan on waiting until you are over 45 or 50; weigh the risks, benefits and side effects of your decision carefully. I would not encourage you to get pregnant later in life just for the sake of conceiving twins.

Pregnancy after 45 carries risks

Wild Yams
Wild Yams | Source
Wild Yam Supplement

NATURE'S WAY, Wild Yam - 180 vegicaps
NATURE'S WAY, Wild Yam - 180 vegicaps
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Wild Yams

A specific tribe in Africa, the Yoruba, has been found to have an unusually high twin birth rate. When this tribe's diet was studied more closely, it was discovered that they eat wild yams on a daily basis. The exact name of the yam is the cassava.

It has been suggested that the chemical composition of the cassava is the twin culprit. The high levels of certain chemicals are thought tho increase the number of eggs released during ovulation.

The Land of Twins

Conceive in the Summer

Women are most fertile during the Summer. The odds of getting pregnant with twins in the Summer are much higher than the Winter

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October 14, 2016 at 3:14 AM

Now all people wishes a healthy infant and some ladies actually have a wish for two lovable twins. With these few tips you can still conceive twins
